About the project

“81 Plastic Project” is an educational program about plastic pollution. It’s about raising awareness and teaching the young generation what it takes to make this world a greener place.


Our goal is to visit 81 schools in Turkey

We are two content creators from Turkey and Germany. Together with educational institutions we want to share our knowledge about plastic pollution with young people. We believe that knowledge is the most powerful tool to make this world a greener place.

2-hour program

1. 45 minute interactive presentation ??‍?

The presentation gives a summary of plastic use, its recycling process and how we can achieve a plastic-free environment with the help of quizzes, games and visuals

2. 45 minutes cloth bag painting ➡️

We will provide one cloth bag for each student which they are going to paint with a meaningful message or drawing.

3. 30 minutes student presentation ?

The students are going to present what they have created and briefly talk about how they can avoid plastic in the future

How does plastic harm the environment?

Plastic sticks around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading dangerous toxins. Plastic also contributes to global warming.

Almost all plastics are made from chemicals that come from the production of planet-warming fuels (gas, oil and even coal).

Your SCHOOL for a plastic-free Turkey

We need a common approach to the unsustainable consumption and production of plastic in Turkey. This matter needs teamwork and people who take action together. That’s why partnerships and collaborations are so important.

Plastic is NOT fantastic

….and that’s exactly what we need to teach the young generation. There is not enough integration of environmental awareness in educational institutions but together we can create an impact and be role models for those who deserve a cleaner, safer world: Our children.

If you are supporting a plastic-free Turkey, please consider this project as part of your school curriculum and apply now!

Join “81 Plastic Project”

Considering the fact that much of that plastic will become single-use, disposable products, we find ourselves faced with a whole lot of waste. Adding to the big volume of plastic trash we create is the other troublesome fact that this material does not biodegrade, rather it just continues to break into smaller and smaller pieces over its lifetime. This is very harmful to every living species on this plant.

One thing that everyone can do – is raising awareness! That’s the first step to change something and show initiate for a greener Turkey.


The project is an initiative of Franziska Niehus and Halil Bekar. Both of us are content creators aiming for a greener future. Both of us are giving the presentation and teaching about plastic pollution.

Presentations are available in English, Turkish and German.

The presentation and workshop will be around 120 minutes. Depending on the school schedule we can also arrange 60 or 90 minute programs.

Participation is not limited, but we recommend a class size with a maximum of 35 students.

The program is intended to be in class and not online because of its interactive parts.

Why fighting plastic pollution?