About the movie
“Visa World” is about borders and differences. It’s about a journey to the other side of the world and what it takes to fight global challenges.
It’s a one (wo)man production because I believe that it doesn’t need much to tell a great story.
Thank you for your support during the last 135 days.
Wow! Together we raised more money than I ever imagined and I am very grateful for every single donation. The money goes to KAUGMAON and I'll update you on the project the coming days. Great things are being done and many children made happy! Thank you ?
4 Steps to get the movie
1. Donate any amount
with the help of the donation form above
2. Wait for my trip to come to an end
I will probably reach the Philippines in December 2019
3. Open your e-mail box
You will receive an access link to your e-mail (the one you entered during the donation process)
4. Watch the movie
and be part of saving this world :-)
My Travel Route
Via land. Crossing 10 countries. Documenting my journey 15,000km to the other side of the world.
Turkey - Iran - Pakistan - Uzbekistan - Tajikistan - Kyrgyzstan - China - Taiwan - Philippines
About the project
15.000 km from Turkey to the Philippines for a good cause
Hey! I am a filmmaker ready to explore the world and the challenges this planet is facing. 3 years ago I started a journey that changed my life. I have lived on the Philippines and worked for a non profit against child labor. I saw a lot of disturbing things. Now it’s time to do something.
I will make a movie. about global issues.
and everyone can watch it for free or a small donation. The donation goes 100% to the charity Kaugmaon for Children’s Rights and Social Development on the Philippines. My goal is to travel to the place where it all started: Davao City. On my way I’ll visit other non profit organizations and tell their stories.

Who receives the donations?
All donations go 100% to the local foundation KAUGMAON for Children’s Rights and Social Development Inc. to fight against child labor in the Philippines.
They do a fantastic job in raising awareness about child labor in the Philippines, helping children breaking out of that circle and educating parents and institutions.

About KAUGMAON for Children's Rights and Social Development Inc.
KAUGMAON is a child rights organization that commits to facilitate and provide better means and opportunities for marginalized children and young people in the Philippines. In the Philippines there are more than 2 million child labourers aged 5-17 years old.
….for children engaged in hazardous forms of labor. Their aim is to build a future for these children despite their difficult circumstances by promoting their rights in a platform of empowerment, skills enhancement and policy advocacy.
I worked with them during my volunteer year and know that they are doing great work. You can read more about them here.
If you have the possibility, please consider becoming a donor. 1 Dollar might not sound a lot, but small numbers add up and together have a huge impact in peoples lives. Your donation counts.
The movie “Visa World”
A few years ago the world leaders agreed to work on 17 goals for a better world by 2030 to end poverty, fight inequality, stop climate change and many more. Guided by these goals, I will start a journey to the other side of this planet. It is now up to all of us, not only the governments, to work together to build a better future for everyone.
One thing that everyone can do – is raising awareness! It sounds basic but it is the first step to change something. I have no idea how all of this is going to turn out, but I want to visit places, I want to meet people and I want to make a movie. About our world. About things that matter.
Yes, you will receive an e-mail with access to the movie 30 days after the trip has finished. If you donate you will automatically get access to the movie.
After my trip has finished 🙂 I am not sure yet when it will be finished though and it takes time for post production.
It will be around 60 minutes.
Unfortunately no. The movie will be in English only.
Absolutely, just send me a message with your e-mail address hereand you will get access to it as well.